Since its founding in 1847, Lawrence's mission has been to pursue excellence and 完整性 in all endeavors.

We live this mission every day as we help our students to seek the light of knowledge and understanding. It also informs our values as we work to become a more diverse, welcoming, and sustainable community. 


十大菠菜台子 of 威斯康辛州, through its undergraduate residential college and 十大菠菜台子 of 音乐, educates students in the liberal arts and sciences. The university is devoted to excellence and 完整性 in all of its activities and committed to the development of intellect and talent, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, the cultivation of sound judgment, and 尊重 for the perspectives of others. Lawrence prepares students for lives of achievement, responsible and meaningful citizenship, 终身学习, and personal fulfillment. As a diverse 学习ing community of scholars and artists, we actively foster a transformative process that emphasizes engaged 学习ing, supported by an environment of rich educational opportunities in a residential campus setting. 

Fall aerial campus view featuring Main Hall
履行我们的使命 & 值

The Lawrence community works every day to reflect the best of our community. 


多元文化的 & Diversity-Related Student Organizations


Year Lawrence received the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity.


Kilowatt-hours generated by Hiett Hall's solar panels


The year the Honor System was established.

The values we uphold as a community are based in Lawrence’s past, informed by our present, and focused on our future. Our community values belonging, 完整性, 尊重, and sustainability and strives to reflect and uphold these values in all campus endeavors. 

students waklking toward Warch Campus Center for lunch


Lawrence actively works to create an environment that welcomes individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs to contribute to and benefit from a Lawrence education.  

Students drop off and pick up their bags outside of Andrew Commons


The university encourages a trusting and open environment by fostering academic 完整性, personal responsibility, and honest behavior in all members of its community. 

Two students dancing on Main Hall Green for LUaroo


All community members have the right to live, 学习, and work at Lawrence without discrimination or intolerance and in an environment free from sexual violence. 

Student weeds SLUG as part of their summer research


Lawrence is committed to reinforcing a culture of sustainability, where our residential campus, green initiatives and coursework integrate to champion sustainable initiatives. 

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